On a rainy day in February, a strange man came to my house in Vancouver, where I had been living for the first year of my life, with a sweet Philipino family, who treated me pretty good. Then along comes this new guy...he's tall, and smells different, and he pretends he already knows me really well, even though I've never seen him in my life. He seems OK, so I play along, but it's weird when my owner hands over my food dish, water bowl, all my toiletries and stuff, Jesus, I'm thinking this isn't right. But he takes me to his car, and I'm pretty cool with that, 'cause it's a brand new car and I kind of like that new car smell. We leave my home and drive off into the Vancouver traffic. The rain is coming down hard. After a few minutes of me jumping all over the place frenetically and whining incessantly, the bozo finally opens a window for me, but his damned armrests are so slippery, I keep falling every time he touches the brakes or the gas. It frustrating so I beg to go on his lap, where I can check him out a bit better. He seems OK, he doesn't mind to much if I sit on his lap, but it freaks him out when I put my front feet up on his arms while he's trying to drive, so I do it a few times to see if I can get a rise out of him. No luck. He's pretty cool about the whole thing, but after about ten minutes of me sticking my ass in his face he makes me sit down in the passenger seat. Shit. Then I see a dog, so I show this new guy that I won't tolerate any dogs anywhere near my space, and I bark as loud as I can, repeatedly to make my point. Bad idea. This new guy definitely doesn't like that. His voice gets really serious like, and he pulls his 'alpha male' trip on me. I'm buying it I guess, I mean, the guy's gotta weigh 200 pounds, and I'm about ten pounds soaking wet. No contest. I sit down and pant quietly for the rest of the trip. This guy seems OK, but I don't know. I smile at him and try to psyche him out by staring at him, but he's too busy driving. I hope he's not a freakin' pscho, dog beater...
The new house he brings me to, I have to admit, is pretty choice. The air is fresh, and I can smell dogs everywhere. Good action in the spring for sure. I like this place. So this guys name seems to be named 'Dad', cause there's another human there named Christophe, and he calls the big guy Dad. The new smaller guy looks at me real funny like, and for a moment I get the feeling he might reject me, but I give him my most sympathetic doggie eyes and smile, and his fragile little human heart just melts. I'm in! These guys are suckers for all my cute shit, so I lay it on pretty heavy, to make a solid first impression and bring out all their caretaking instincts. Damn, they love me. They make an enormous fuss over how damned cute I am, over and over. Wait 'till they find out that I prefer shitting indoors!