This morning, my human, Joseph, took me for a longer walk than usual, and it was awesome! For once he actually let me off the leash where I could run as fast as I can, and I chased a huge bunch of those big noisy black birds away. It was a gas. I can't remember the last time I felt so free, so unfettered by the leash, the 'master' trip.
Of course it didn't last too long. Just when I was really starting to find my legs, and I had decided to check out a far corner of the field, the master started calling my name, over and over. I'm not sure what his problem is, it seems like he doesn't trust me to trust my own instincts. (I've heard that's what us dogs run on, but me, I'm a strong believer in free will, and the power of self!) Of course I just kept right on running in the opposite direction, and pretended I didn't even hear him, but then his voice got a little edge in it that was hard to ignore. So I turned around to see what he was hollering about. I was so far away by this time, that I couldn't really make out his facial features to see if he was really upset. Then, he turned around and just started walking away, without even saying anything! My master! My meal ticket! My source of warmth and affection! Agghhh! I had no choice but to pocket my free will and pride for the moment and take off after him. I mean, REALLY! So I caught up to him, but then I still played with his head a little bit. Then his voice got like really, really stern, and he told me quite loudly to 'stop'! So I did. I just plopped right down and sat there panting like a demon. Come to think of it, I didn't even really want to run around any more, I was just testing my limits and pushing the human's buttons for the joy of it all!
Bottom line though, is that he was really pleased when I stopped. I guess he had been wondering if I was deaf or something. But he approached me with a big smile and kind words, so I let him put my leash back on. He gave me one of those little bacon bits out of his pocket, and told me I was a really good dog. That felt pretty good. I don't know. I might give it a try, actually going to my master when he calls me. What have I got to lose? It's a trade off between the exhilerating freedom of taking off aimlessly into the wild blue yonder, and having someone love you and praise you and cuddle you and feed you.....
And he keeps telling me I have to be careful about cars.....what's the big deal? Hmmmm. He seems a little paranoid, but I can sense the sincere concern in his voice. It's good to feel loved.
1 comment:
Yamyam, you seem quite an enlightened dog! I'm glad you're able to see things from different perspectives. This will help you tons in pretty much getting your own way for the rest of your life.
Good for you! I'm looking forward to reading more about your exploits.
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