This morning I went for another really long walk, and it was fantastic. I finally got to meet one of the neighborhood dogs, a big old Golden Retriever. I heard his name, but I can't remember it right now, I am still completely flustered from all the excitement. I saw him from almost a block away, and I started trying to communicate immediately, with the typical Pomeranian dialect of high pitched yelps, squeals and yaps, coupled with wild dancing and straining on the leash. For some reason my 'master' found this somewhat inappropriate, and he picked me up until we got closer. Whoah! Up close this retriever was a lot bigger than I thought! We circled each other a few times, forcing our owners to untangle their leashes repeatedly. What a hoot! The big guy was super friendly, but I had to make it clear that I wasn't going to be submissive simply because he is about 50 times bigger than me. I showed him what for, with some well placed aggressive snarls, but I was just kidding really. He's a cool old dog, 12 years old actually! Damn. Better respect my elders.
We also walked through this new park I've never seen before. I could smell rats everywhere, but didn't manage to root one out. Next time maybe. That friggin' park is just full of rats, I know it! All in all a great morning. I took an enormous dump (for a little dog) and this seemed to delight the 'master'. I might get used to this shitting outdoors deal!